Profile match

Get more security in your hires

Knowledge of employee characteristics provides a better understanding of the types of employees who are best suited to you. With profile match, you can use your current employees’ profiles to compare and predict which candidates will contribute most positively to your business.

How do you hire the right employee?

Often, the obvious choice is to hire the person who is best qualified for the job.

Many know the experience of being left with an employee who on paper was a good match, but in the real world didn’t deliver in terms of the right attitude and approach to the job.

With Candidate Match, we try to equip you to hit the right notes with your recruitments by building on the crater traits that characterise your existing good employees.

Customer giving credit card to store employee

If you work in, say, catering or retail, your employees are likely to be a mix of permanent and hourly workers. This can lead to a high turnover of staff, and therefore an extra need to recruit staff with the right attitude and skills to get off to a good start.

Get to know your applicants with five questions

As part of the recruitment process, you’ll easily send a link with five personality questions for applicants to tick off before the interview.

By doing so, you complement a classic CV and application with a personal profile to get a good picture of your applicants before an interview.

By asking your employees and at least five people around them to fill in a person profile, you’ll have an overview of the types that work well in your business.

If there are characteristics that you know work better than others in a particular groove, you can use this as another criterion in your selection.

iphone med profilmatch app
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Get better job interviews with applicant match

Get a better basis for the job interview by complementing CV and qualifications with a focus on the applicant’s personal profile.

Let the applicant complement the results of the profile with his own words and get deeper insight into the person in front of you.

Get an overview of which profiles suit you best

With a library of profiles on your employees, you can get a more nuanced picture of what works for you.

Compare your employees across their profiles and see if a pattern emerges.

Compare profiles by role and see if any key characteristics emerge.

Use this when you next need to recruit for a specific role.

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Laptop with schedule
Laptop with schedule

Get started with Frontliners today and get to know your employees even better

Set up your free 14-day trial and create personal profiles of your existing employees easily with the sending of a link

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